Policy Statement

STA Excel operates a robust internal quality assurance (IQA)system to ensure that all our training delivery and assessment meets the assessment standards set by the awarding organisation (AO). Equally STA Excel is committed to providing an efficient and high standard of service to all encompassed within the centre. Therefore, STA Excel aims to operate a fair and reliable appeals process for the learners and centre staff who express concern or dissatisfaction following an assessment decision.



Centre Co-Ordinator

The centre co-ordinator has the following responsibilities within the appeals policy:


The tutor has the following responsibilities within the appeals policy:


The assessor has the following responsibilities within the appeals policy:

Internal Quality Assurer (IQA)

The IQA has the following responsibilities within the appeals policy:


Informal Appeal

Learners are encouraged to discuss any dissatisfaction or concerns surrounding their assessment result with the assessor directly, who will look to resolve the issue and advise the learner of options moving forwards. Alternatively, the learner or centre personnel may wish to discuss any problems with the centre co-ordinator, this may be via face-to-face conversation, email, letter or phone call. Where possible the centre staff will offer help and guidance on how to overcome the problem, alternatively they may refer to further appeal options.

Formal Appeal

If a learner is unable to resolve the issue via an informal appeal they will need to submit the information to the centre via an appeals form. This must be complete and submitted, along with any necessary evidence, within 28 days after the course assessment date. The centre co-ordinator, along with an impartial internal quality assurer (IQA) acting as an adjudicator, will revie the written submission and the assessment decision made.

If the original decision is supported by the centre co-ordinator and adjudicator, then the decision will stand. Alternatively, the adjudicator may instruct that a further re-mark or re-assessment should take place if they consider that the assessment procedures were not adequately followed.

Any relevant parties will be notified of the outcome in writing within 14 days of the original submission.

Procedure to Escalate Appeals to Safety Training Awards (STA)

If a learner wants to escalate an enquiry or appeal after they have exhausted the ATCs enquiries ad appeal process and remain dissatisfied with the outcome. Any enquires and appeals must be submitted to Safety Training Awards (STA) within 28 days of the course result being issued to the learner. Please refer to the Safety Training Awards enquiries and appeals policy on the website for further information.

Regulatory Escalation Procedures

Ofqual (England) Escalation Procedures

If a customer or learner is not satisfied with the outcome decision from an ATC and Safety Training Awards Enquiries and Appeals procedures, they may appeal to the relevant regulator.

Please note the regulators are unable to overturn an assessment decision for the regulated qualifications that are offered by an Awarding Organisation (AO).

