Policy Statement

STA Excel is committed to providing an efficient and high standard of service to all encompassed within the centre. We take every care to ensure that all aspects of our service meet user expectations, however we are aware that there may be occasions when we do not meet expectations and action may be required to address any issues.


Vexatious Complaints

A complaint may be considered vexatious if it is part of a pattern of requests or stands alone, and it:

The decision to classify a complaint as vexatious must be provided in writing, including the reasons for the determination. Complaints deemed vexatious will not proceed further.

Frivolous Complaints

A complaint may be considered frivolous if:

A complaint will not be classified as frivolous merely because it is inconvenient to the recipient. The decision to label a complaint frivolous must be provided in writing, along with the reasons for the determination. Complaints deemed frivolous will not proceed further.

Malicious Complaints

A complaint may be considered malicious if:

Malice may be directed towards individual staff members or at STA. A decision to deem a complaint malicious must always be given in writing together with the reasons upon which the decision was based. Complaints deemed malicious will not be progressed.

This policy should not be used for any dissatisfaction relating to assessment decisions; such queries should be referred to the appeals policy.


Centre Co-Ordinator

The centre co-ordinator has the following responsibilities within the complaints policy:


The tutor has the following responsibilities within the complaints policy:


The assessor has the following responsibilities within the complaints policy:

Internal Quality Assurer

The IQA has the following responsibilities within the complaints policy:


Informal Complaint

Individuals are encouraged to discuss any complaints with centre personnel, who where possible will look to resolve the issue. Alternatively, the learner or centre personnel may wish to discuss any problems with the centre co-ordinator, this may be via face-to-face discussions, email, letter or phone call. The centre co-ordinator will offer help and guidance on how to overcome the problem, however if centre personnel are unable to come to an agreed solution with the complainant a more formal approach may be required.

Formal Complaint

If the complainant is unable to resolve the issue via the informal process they will need to submit the information to the centre in writing, including any supporting evidence to:

STA Excel
Anchor House
Birch Street
West Midlands

Or via email to info@staexcel.co.uk.

The complainant will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within 7 days of submission of the complaint.

The centre co-ordinator will review the complaint and if further investigation is required, may request the assistance of an impartial internal quality assurer (IQA) acting as an adjudicator. STA Excel aims to notify the complainant and any relevant parties of the outcome within 28 days from the submission of the written complaint. In the event that the investigation is more complex and takes longer than 28 days, the relevant parties will be informed of the extension period before the 28-day period is reached.


If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome from STA Excel they may refer their complaint to the appropriate awarding organisation via the relevant policy.

Monitoring and Review

This policy and its implementation will be reviewed annually. STA Excel are committed to making continual improvements to ensure that the procedures are fit for purpose and that we are meeting and surpassing the expectations of our learners and centre personnel. Where a complaint relates to the structure of the qualification, or any other regulatory requirement out of STA Excel’s control, STA Excel will follow the relevant awarding organisation’s policy on the learner’s behalf.

Supporting Information

Appeals Policy
View Policy
Malpractice and Maladministration Policy
View Policy
Safety Training Awards Website
Visit Website