Policy Statement

STA Excel operates a robust internal quality assurance (IQA) policy which aims to prevent any such occurrences of malpractice or maladministration, however there may be times when an individual wants to report a case. This policy incorporates all involved with the approved training centre (ATC) including centres, learners, tutors, assessors and quality assurers.




Malpractice is defined as any deliberate activity, neglect, default or other practice that compromises the integrity of the internal assessment process and/or validity of achievement and certification of a qualification.

Examples of Malpractice
Example Who Could Be Responsible?
Plagiarism Learner
Collusion, or permitting collusion for a dishonest purpose Learner
Quality assurer
Impersonating another learner or providing forged identification documentation Learner
Submission of false information, including authenticity statements Learner
Deliberate failure to adhere to learner registration and certification procedures Tutor
Quality assurer
Unauthorised use of equipment and materials in assessment Learner
A loss, theft of, or breach of confidential assessment materials Tutor
Quality assurer
Defacing, amending or falsifying assessment records Tutor
Quality assurer
Deliberate failure to adhere to reasonable adjustment, or improperly assisting a learner Tutor
Quality Assurer


Maladministration is defined as any deliberate activity, neglect, default or other practice which results in non-compliance with administrative requirements and regulations, this can include persistent mistakes or poor administration within the centre.

Examples of Maladministration
Example Who Could Be Responsible?
Persistent failure to adhere to certificate procedures Tutor
Quality assurer
Inaccurate certificate claims Learner
Quality assurer
Failure to keep auditable records Tutor
Quality assurer
Failure to adhere to delivery, assessment and certification requirements Tutor
Quality assurer
Failure to register learners in accordance with the awarding organisation’s procedures Tutor
Quality assurer
Unreasonable delays in responding to requests and/or communications Tutor
Quality assurer
Persistent failure to adhere to certification procedures Tutor
Quality assurer


Centre Co-Ordinator

The centre co-ordinator is responsible for ensuring that this policy is reiterated to anyone encompassed within the centre and taking reasonable actions to prevent instances of malpractice and maladministration. Additional responsibilities may include:


The tutor is responsible for ensuring that they personally abide by this policy and making sure learners are made aware of this policy and procedures. Responsibilities include:


The assessor is responsible for ensuring that they personally abide by this policy and making sure learners have been made aware of this policy and procedures. Responsibilities include:

Internal Quality Assurer (IQA)

The IQA is responsible for ensuring that they personally abide by this policy and making sure learners have been made aware of this policy and procedures. Responsibilities include:


Reporting a Suspected Incident

Individuals are encouraged to discuss any concerns surrounding suspected incidences of malpractice or maladministration with the centre co-ordinator, this may be via face-to-face discussion, email, letter or phone call. The individual will be asked to complete a Report of Suspected Malpractice Form, this must be completed and submitted, along with any necessary evidence, at the earliest opportunity. The person reporting the allegation will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within 7 days of submission of the form.

Investigating a Suspected Malpractice

Every submission will be investigated on a case-by-case basis by an individual with no personal interest in the outcome of the investigation, usually this will be the centre co-ordinator along with an internal quality assurer. The centre coordinator will review the written submission and carry out an investigation with the following objectives:

If the centre co-ordinator deems the suspected case of malpractice is of high risk to centre, they may place temporary sanctions on the accused party to protect the learners and centre compliance. For learners this may include withholding the certification until the outcome is determined. For tutors/assessors/IQAs this may involve a temporary high risk IQA rating for all courses or even suspension on any courses offered, depending on the severity of the accusation.

After gathering the information detailed above, the centre co-ordinator will review the accusation along with any evidence gathered during the investigation to conclude the findings. The severity of the outcome will determine the action points the centre will implement to the relevant parties.

Outcomes of Investigations


STA Excel aims to conclude any suspected malpractice investigation within 28 days from the submission of the initial report form. The relevant parties will be informed of the outcome within the 28 days. In the event that the investigation is more complex and takes longer than 28 days, the relevant parties will be informed of the extension period before the 28-day period is reached.

Notification of Outcomes

If the allegation is found to be unsubstantiated the relevant parties will be informed in writing of the decision and any temporary sanctions will be removed.

If there is sufficient evidence of malpractice or maladministration, the written confirmation will contain the following points:


If findings conclude that there is evidence that malpractice or maladministration has taken place, the centre is required to act to reduce the risk to learners, ensure standards are not compromised and prevent similar instances reoccurring. The following points are not an exhaustive list and are intended simply as a guidance for what actions may be implemented.

  • Requirement to provide the missing information
  • Resubmit information
  • Retake the course
  • Retake the exam or any other part of the course
  • Pay any further costs
  • Report to the relevant awarding organisation
  • Standardisation/CPD training
  • High risk IQA rating
  • EQA visit
  • Shadowing
  • Removal from STA Excel’s bank of tutors
  • Report to the relevant awarding organisation
  • Review policies and procedures
  • Review centre personnel and responsibilities
  • Offer alternate arrangements for learners to complete their qualification
  • Compensate learners
  • Report to the relevant awarding organisation

Appealing a Decision

If the accused is not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation they may be referred to the STA Excel Appeals Policy.

Monitoring and Review

This policy and its implementation will be reviewed annually or at the point of any proven occurrences of malpractice or maladministration. We are committed to ensuring that the procedures are fit for purpose and that we are meeting and surpassing the expectations of our learners, centre personnel and awarding organisations. Any actual or suspected incidences will be reported to the relevant awarding organisation via the relevant process.

Supporting Information

Report of Suspected Malpractice Form
Download Form
Appeals Policy
View Policy
Safety Training Awards Website
Visit Website