Policy Statement

STA Excel recognises that it has a responsibility to safeguard and promote the interests and well-being of children and vulnerable adults with whom it is working. Anyone aged 17 years or under (Scotland under 16 years) should be considered as a child for the purposes of this document, therefore this could include learners on a course or participants within practical sessions.



Centre Co-Ordinator

The centre co-ordinator has the following responsibilities regarding safeguarding:

Tutors/Assessors/Quality Assurers

Tutors/assessors/quality assurers have the following responsibilities regarding safeguarding:



STA Excel recognises the importance of ensuring reasonable steps are taken to prevent unsuitable people working with children. When undertaking pre-selection checks the following evidence is collated and checked to establish the suitability of the person:


STA Excel requires tutors/assessors/quality assurers to hold a recognised safeguarding certificate which will be renewed every 3 years. The centre co-ordinator may conduct top-up training or standardisation meetings if they deem it is required and/or any issues prompt a need to complete further training.

Recognition of Abuse

STA Excel acknowledges that their staff are not experts at recognition of abuse. All centre personnel will undertake safeguarding training to help them identify indications of abuse, the forms of abuse and the effects of abuse. If any person encompassed within the centre has any concerns, suspicions or allegations surrounding child abuse, STA Excel expects them to report the issue immediately via the reporting procedure.

Supervision and Good Practice

To protect both themselves and the learners or participants for whom they have overall responsibility, centre personnel are expected to promote the following good practices when working on behalf of STA Excel:

Centre personnel as good practice should not partake or allow the following to take place:


STA Excel personnel have a responsibility to report concerns so that the appropriate agencies can then make inquiries and take any necessary action to protect the child. Whilst STA Excel acknowledges the importance of the role of statutory agencies involved in children’s welfare (social services, police, NSPCC) and will work with such agencies for any investigations, STA Excel will firstly refer the suspected abuse to the STA Lead Child Protection Officer (LCPO) at the earliest possible time after the event or allegation. STA Excel will work with the STA LCPO for any investigation which follows; this could include:

For all questions and concerns please contact the STA Lead Child Protection Officer:

+44 (0)1922 748642

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) child protection helpline (24/7 service):

0808 800 5000


If anyone encompassed within the centre needs to report a suspected case of abuse they should make a record of any of the following points if known:

The centre member should liaise with the centre co-ordinator to send the relevant information to the STA LCPO for further guidance and investigation.

Allegations of Abuse Against Centre Personnel

Any allegations surrounding safeguarding issues against centre personnel should be referred to the centre co-ordinator who will note the following information if known:

This information will be passed to the STA Lead Child Protection Officer at the earliest possible time after the event or allegation.

Whilst the centre co-ordinator awaits the outcome from the STA LCPO and any other relevant agencies, the person in question may face temporary sanctions to protect the interests of the learners and the centre. A complaint via the STA Excel Complaints Policy may coincide with any safeguarding investigation.

If the allegation is against the centre co-ordinator the accuser may refer direct to the STA LCPO.

Monitoring and Review

This policy and its implementation will be reviewed annually or at the point of any report of a safeguarding issue within the centre. STA Excel is committed to making continual improvements to ensure that the procedures are fit for purpose and that we are meeting and surpassing the expectations of our learners and centre personnel.

Supporting Information

The Swimming Teachers’ Association Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy
View Policy
Complaints Policy
View Policy
NSPCC Learning—Safeguarding children and child protection
View Information