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STA Diploma in Aquatic Teaching – Baby and Pre-School

The STA Level 3 Diploma in Aquatic Teaching – Baby and Pre-School offers progression for level 2 qualified baby swimming teachers looking to expand and develop technical knowledge, supported by the latest academic research and theories.

The Learner

The STA Level 3 Diploma in Aquatic Teaching – Baby and Pre-School can be undertaken by level 2 baby swimming teachers looking to expand their knowledge and skills in baby swimming. Successful completion of this qualification allows the learner to identify as a level 3 baby swimming teacher and continue to deliver specialised swimming lessons to babies, toddlers and their accompanying adults.

What skills and attributes make a good baby swimming teacher?

 Interest in Swimming

 Confidence around babies and children

 Confidence leading a group



 Enjoy working with people

 Good role model

 Good organisation




Who does this qualification appeal to?

Learners may complete this qualification for a career specifically in teaching baby and pre-school swimming. Alternatively they may undertake this qualification to compliment another role.

STA Level 3 Diploma in Aquatic Teaching - Baby and Pre-School: Pre-school teacher, nursery nurse, teaching assistant, sports coach, swimming teacher, parent, lifeguard, creche assistant.

The Course

The course is comprised of a mixture of theory and practical elements, enabling the learner to acquire the specialised technical knowledge and practical hands on experience of teaching aquatic activities to babies, toddlers and pre-school children during adult and child lessons.

Learners will expand on their current knowledge and learn the latest developments in baby and pre-school swimming practice. The Diploma covers communication, gentle approaches to swimming, baby and toddler development, transition to independent swimming, submersions, babies and pre-schoolers with additional needs and the importance of reflection as a teacher.

The following units are covered within this qualification:

  • Communication within Baby and Pre-School Swimming Lessons
  • Gentle Approach to Swimming
  • Submersions within Baby and Pre-School Swimming Lessons
  • Childhood Development Stages and Transition into Independence
  • Learning and Play within Swimming Lessons
  • Sensory Awareness within Swimming Lessons
  • Babies and Pre-Schoolers with Additional Needs
  • Reflecting upon Own Skills and Practice
  • Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
  • Planning, Preparing and Teaching Baby and Pre-School Swimming
  • Baby and Pre-School Swimming


The STA Level 3 Diploma in Aquatic Teaching – Baby and Pre-School is tutor-assessed through the completion of:

  • Portfolio
  • Worksheets
  • Case studies
  • Lesson plans
  • Lesson evaluation
  • Reflective journal
  • Practical teaching

Learners have 9 months to complete and submit all post-course work.


This course does not carry an expiry date—instead learners are encouraged to keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date through completion of continuing professional development (CPD).

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